Poems about constant
Superposition Helps, As Mine
my constant reverential face
between my finite eyes
to know if any human eyes were near
then there's a pair of us don't tell!
you are sure there's such a person
who'd be the fool to stay?
an honor, thought can turn her to
best, to know and tell,
far superior to mine,
is difficult, and still
superposition helps, as well as love
heart, not so heavy as mine
did fan and rock, with sudden light
Debates If It Hinder So Those Who Pray
my constant reverential face
with infinite affection
you left me boundaries of pain
and me it were that ebbed from thee
god grows above so those who pray
what could it hinder so to say?
debates if it will go,
that often as a cloud it met
that if the spirit like to hide