Poems about length
But 'twas The Grace That I Was Chose
at what o'clock to heaven they fled
the grace that i was chose
but 'twas the fact that he was dead
'twas crisis all the length had passed
To Stand Simply Forth,
that calm seems certainly safe to last to-night,
some spirit to stand simply forth,
to yield with a grace to reason,
to this lean feeding save once a year
to loose the resin and take it down
that brought me to my feet to hold it back
he's come to help you ditch the meadow,
to make it root again and grow afresh,
to play with to-morrow,
to better its perch for the night,
to leave it to, whether the right to hold
and he could wait -we'd see to him tomorrow,
that was what marrying father meant to her,
what brought the kindred spider to that height?
to all my length,
Showed Him, Through A Finger Length
and in the hush we joined to make
and then come back to it and begin over,
to think of the right thing to say too late,
and so at last to learn to use their wings,
though we choose greatly, still to lack
and to do that to birds was why she came,
to think of the right thing to say too late,
and making the best of their way back to life
to the dark and lament,
and showed him, through a manhole in the floor,
and impulse, having dipped a finger length
wrap him for shroud in a petal,
In A Pile Of Wood For Which
and in a little a french touch in that,
and pinned with a silver pin,
and a chain at his side,
and in a little a french touch in that,
and then there was a pile of wood for which
and impulse, having dipped a finger length