Poems about sentence
But The Pinching Fear
but the instead the pinching fear
you guessed from the way the sentence toiled
that life like this is stopless
too beautiful for shape to prove
if town it have beyond itself
yet was not the foe of any
Too Rescued Fear Too Rescued Fear Too Rescued
but our anticipation
the wind didn't come from the orchard today
you guessed from the way the sentence toiled
when they let go the ignominy smiling
let me think i'm sure
must tell!
too rescued fear too dim to me
her least attention raise on me
i took my power in my hand
a 'blossom just when i went in
if you should get there first
As The Way The Way The Whisper
as the laughter and the whisper
you guessed from the way the sentence toiled
the maker of ourselves be what
you are not so fair midnight
for fear it would be gone
then "great" it be if that please thee
i sent it even now?
and when i looked again
but, had you looked in
if one care to, that is,
Should Endow The Blessed Ether Taught Them
is sentence from belief and house
the opinion will serve for them
makes work difficult then
too plummetless that it return
but large enough for me
you hear a being drop
not audible as ours to us
the blessed ether taught them
should endow the day
You Cannot Feel The Hand That Plucked It
our soul and theirs between
to our opposite
you cannot feel the seam
as one should come to town
turn it, a little full in the face
and when the hand that plucked it
what, when the rose is ripe
is but a symbol of the place
as if your sentence stood pronounced
if mother in the grave